Published Date: July 11, 2012

Matt and Christine got me thinking hard about where my next stop is. Living a nomadic life, the question of where to visit next inevitably arises every few days, weeks, or months. It’s that time again.

With limitless choices, decisions become harder.

That’s the challenge with figuring out where to settle down after my time in Spain and a trip to Bali in August for Startup Abroad. When I can literally go anywhere in the world, where do I settle down to build this travel startup?

Go live in the Big Apple? That’s been on the list for awhile. I have to admit, TechStars spring 2013 in NYC is pretty damn appealing.

Trek around South America for the entire fall?

South Africa?

San Francisco?

Or maybe go back and live in Asia again and eat freaking amazing food at prices unheard of elsewhere in the world. Can you believe I paid 15 euro yesterday for a big dish of cashew chicken? Don’t get me wrong, it was good. But not 15 Euro good. Man, what I’d do to be transported back to the streets of chiang mai for some unreal street food for 35 baht.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. I’ll keep you posted.

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