Published Date: July 23, 2013

Today we’re talking to Dave Aidekman, the founder of The Trip Tribe; a site that helps you find vacations with the right people. One of our primary goals at Oh Hey World is to connect like-minded people with each other. Being a co-founder of a tech company in the travel industry, one of my personal interests is learning more about other entrepreneurs building travel tech companies. I stumbled across Dave in the comments of Tnooz, and upon looking at his site knew we shared a lot of similar values and goals and we spoke for a bit yesterday. 

If you’re keen to connect with Dan further, you can find his current location on his OHW profile.

Without further adieu…

1) What do you do?

I am CEO of The Trip Tribe, where we deliver life-changing travel experiences for our Members. We believe that an amazing vacation has two components: (a) great destination, activities, and service; and (b) other amazing people who are perfect for you. So our team is focused on finding the best experiences in the world and providing the tools to match you with the right people for you based on your social profile.

2) Why do you do what you do?

We all know that when you go on vacation — and we’re lucky enough to do it a lot — it’s the people and friendships that you remember most. Sure, a phenomenal setting and excellent events mean a lot. But it’s “who else is going” that matters. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, active and single, you want to be on a trip with people like you, not senior citizens or a family with young kids. And the want to be with other people more compatible with them for the same reasons. We’ve solved this problem and we love connecting you on trips with the Members of our Tribe who are the best match for you.

3) What are you most excited about right now?

We’re excited about the opportunity to deliver life-changing vacations to more and more people as we grow. We have an outstanding team, great partners, and a big opportunity to transform the group vacation travel experience. It has always been a thrill to take small groups of people on trips that they love. Now we’re excited to expand that so more people can enjoy it.

4) What’s next for you?

From a business standpoint, we’re working hard to expand our Membership as well as the partners we work with to deliver amazing vacations. We’re focused on delivering more and more value for all of them. We’re creating win-win-win situations and sharing them broadly so that our Members, our partners, and our team get a lot of value out of all the engagement. We also do a lot of listening and testing to learn what features make for even better experiences, online and offline. From a personal standpoint, what’s next for me is hopefully to join in on more of these trips around the world!

5) What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

So many causes have captured my passions that it’s hard to pick one. From my background working in the White House, I care a lot about good government that serves citizens well. I’m passionate about education and the power it has to lift people up to live their dreams. And I contribute as best I can to medical-related causes to help those with life-threatening diseases. Advances in medicine are so remarkable and we need to support it.

A big thanks to Dave for sharing his motivations and current projects. If you’d like to connect on social media with Dave:

Trip Tribe on Twitter and Facebook

Dave on Twitter


We’ll be featuring a number of other travel tech entrepreneurs in the coming weeks. If you are an entrepreneur in the travel vertical, and want to be profiled, please sign up for an OHW account and add “travel tech entrepreneurs” as an interest on your profile — then shoot me an email (drew at ohheyworld).

The post An Interview with Dave Aidekman of The Trip Tribe appeared first on Oh Hey World.

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