Published Date: September 14, 2013

Question number 3…

Has traveling expanded your education? Does it affect your thirst for knowledge? In what ways?

knowledgeAbsolutely. I’m a more intelligent human being as a result of traveling. I’m curious about how everything works by nature, and traveling has only enhanced that. It’s a big, big world — and there is no shortage of things I don’t understand. Without traveling, I wouldn’t even be aware of many of those things that I now wonder about.

It’s worth noting — education systems have a built in filter / bias; it’s from the perspective of the US (or wherever you were educated). The US has a very different view on World War II, the revolutionary war, Afghanistan than other countries in the world. Yet the US view is what you learn in the US education system. China has a different view on Tiananmen Square than much of the world. To have a really informed view on anything, you need to understand those issues from all angles.

In many ways, I think the answer to this question goes back to the prior question of being more open and tolerant of other cultures. You’re living under a rock if the only perspective you take in is that of those in your own country.

[Photo via]

The post Has traveling expanded your education? appeared first on Oh Hey World.

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