Published Date: March 13, 2013

OHWiconAfter a year of work, I have news – Oh Hey World is finally ready for (limited) public consumption. I’ve never had a kid, but I’ve seen my sister with 2 kids and heard the comparison between startups and babies. The comparison seems true. Over the past year since I realized the next chapter in my life is starting a company of my own that alleviates the many pain points in the current travel process — there has been virtually zero time spent not thinking about or tending to Oh Hey World in some way. I’d say the lone exceptions were Burning Man and a 2 day stretch at my buddy’s cabin 25 miles from the nearest neighbor. As those who I’ve talked to know, I’m truly obsessed with building the best travel product possible. Truthfully, the hardest part of this startup has been accepting that we can’t launch with the entire product I envision built.

What are we going after?

Oh Hey World is turning the moment when you arrive in a new destination from the current mess it is today (text, email, phone, FB, Twitter, Foursquare, Yelp, Tripadvisor) to a seamless experience driven from the palm of your hand. What you see today is the quickest way to find a friendly face wherever you are, and the easiest way to share your safe arrival with family and friends across all platforms.

My hunch is only my diehard friends and fans read this blog, so it’s only fair that a group of the first public registration codes go to those who follow me here. There are 25 registrations available using the following link…


If those run out, leave a comment here and I’ll disperse additional registrations as needed.

Every conversation I have reminds me of how fortunate I am to have such a great group of friends. Thank you to everyone for the support over the past year — I couldn’t have done it without you.

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