Published Date: September 17, 2013

Question number 7…

Has traveling given you more of a feeling of being part of the world? How?

Of course.


Credit: MCT

You can’t feel part of the world, if you don’t know what the world is and how it works. If you never travel, and you tell me you “know” the world and are “part” of it — I’ll tell you you are full of sh*t. Knowing your hometown, or even multiple cities in one country is not truly knowing the world. There are 194 countries in the world, each of them very different. You may be part of your own country, but not the world.

I think being “part” of the world, involves understanding it.

As a result, I don’t believe anyone who doesn’t travel can truly be “part” of the world. The world is a moving target. It changes constantly, so requires traveling constantly to understand it. That said, very few people are truly “part” of the world because very few people have spent time in every country.

Obviously, the more cultures and countries you’ve experienced, the more a part of the world you’ll feel.

[Photo via]

The post Has traveling given you more of a feeling of being part of the world? How? appeared first on Oh Hey World.

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