Published Date: March 22, 2013

During the course of building Oh Hey World, we talked to a wide, wide range of travelers across a broad range of travel profiles. Busy executives, scrappy entrepreneurs, marketing managers, travel writers, solo female wanderers, digital nomads etc. One piece of feedback we heard over and over was…

That sounds cool, but I’d never check-in because I don’t want everyone to know where I am.

We know there is a percentage of travelers who have no problem broadcasting their location publicly (I’m one of them) – but some need added privacy controls in order to share their location. Which is why we went out of your way to build “private check-ins”. Right now, you can check-in totally privately – which lets you see everyone else in the system, but no one can see you. Of course, using this private mode — you can still send text messages or emails notifying close friends and family where you are and share on Facebook and Twitter (though doubt you want to share on FB if you aren’t willing to share on OHW).

How do you check in privately?

Simple. On the check-in screen, click the “Public” icon…


It then displays as “Private”…


Click “Check In” — and you’re all set. No one can see your location except you – though you can of course still see everyone nearby and send notifications to your friends and family privately.

We hope this feature addresses the privacy concerns you may have. Let us know what questions you have, or what additional privacy controls you’d like to have.

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