Published Date: May 26, 2013

Every single day in my “backpacking” search results in TweetDeck, I see tweet upon tweet from people who wish to travel the globe.

Tweets such as…




Everyone WANTS to travel, or they SAY they want to travel. But when the rubber meets the road and it comes down to executing on that desire to travel, not enough people follow through and turn their dreams into reality.

Can I be blunt?

Stop making excuses. Stop asking people whether you should go or not. Stop reading travel blogs trying to decide whether you can afford it. Stop worrying whether your parents will be pissed. Stop caring whether you have a friend to go with you. Stop caring whether your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to go. Stop worrying about the fact that you won’t have a job when you get back. Obliterate the mindset that “normal people” don’t leave for months at a time.

Buy your f’ing ticket already and GO.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Yes, anything IS possible. Now go make it so.


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